SaaS forestry analysis
Conifer Vision’s digital forest SaaS solution is provided as a cloud-based system for digital forest analysis that utilizes deep convolution neural networks, self-organizing systems and semi-supervised machine learning to achieve the very best performance possible. The system delivers quantitative and qualitative high resolution resource data at individual level (each tree) but also aggregated resource data based on combination with other GIS data and post-calculations.
The service is available as Pay Per Use or through a Subscription model, where the customers themselves either provide us with the areal imagery according to a requirement specification from Conifer Vision or collection is expedited through one of our selected partners.
The user implementation differs slightly depending on whether the customer is a large forest company, a forest consultant/entrepreneur, or a private forest owner.
The fully automated system is based on a scalable solution in that analyses are performed on data from a bird’s eye view. A skilled drone pilot can acquire up to 400 hectares of image data per day, where generation of orthophotos, surface models and analyses takes place with high computing capacity in the cloud.
For a detailed introduction please contact us for a system demo!