Historical Data
Understanding what actions have been taken helps planning for the future
Digital images and data collected about valuable forest areas can be reused for many different types of analyzes in additional contexts and during the management life cycle
Historical Data
UAV technology and AI based Image analysis can be of great help when it comes to documenting actions, both those that have already been taken, but also those that the forest planner recommends should take place. For example, the data captured by the drone can provide information about the potential need for clearing or thinning; It can map windfalls after a storm, reducing the costs for recovering the fallen timber. It can also document driving damages after and corrective actions can be taken. Add to these life cycle actions available historical data regarding
- Growth ratio,
- Stand height,
- Stand density,
- Species inventory,
- Biomass volume,
- Etc…
and you have a well documented and up to date view on your forest status.